Impactful Tennis supports seniors in Contra Costa
Tax deductible
Impactful Tennis (www.impactfultennis.org) empowers high school tennis players to make a positive impact in the community by offering tennis lessons to kids in exchange for a charitable donation ($40 or more per individual lesson, an increased donation is appreciated for a lesson shared by siblings or friends).
Impactful Tennis is fundraising for Meals on Wheels Diablo Region to aid homebound and vulnerable seniors in Contra Costa County. Meals on Wheels has been experiencing a 40% increase in requests since the pandemic began. The organization provides 7 nutritious meals each week, companionship, and services to address issues with housing, elder abuse, long-term care, and/or depression.
Fundraising team (3)
Jake Hammerman
Lafayette, CA
Meals on Wheels Diablo Region
Diego Ledezma
Team member
Clara Hwang
Team member