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Help Tender Fruits Collective secure the land!

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Thank you so much for clicking on our fundraiser!

We are raising the last $25,000:
We need to secure the land we steward as a safe space for LGBTQIA2S+, Mad, Sick and Disabled babes to heal and grow forever!

When these funds are raised, we can pay off the mortgage that is held over this land, ensuring that this space will remain a collective container of care for Queer, Disabled babes forever.

It will also allow us to build toward our goals of building here.

We are building toward the following:
1) several Disabled QTBIPOC members to transition to living on the land
2) to convert the garage into a living space for them and folks coming to the space in the future
3) to build at least one new housing structure for other Crip, Mad and Sick, QTBIPOC
4)offering in-person crisis respite care for LGBTQIA2S+ and QTBIPOC babes
5) short and long-term housing
6) retreats for Disabled BIPOC and SWers
7) food shares
8) and emergency funds for community members


We are the Tender Fruits Collective and Land Project. The land we help to steward is located in Ndakina, also known as colonized Vermont, in the Northeast Kingdom.

[Image description: a photo of the land that Tender Fruits Collective stewards. In the photo, you see fir trees covered in snow; the sky behind is a light grey with a pale yellow peaking out at the base of the trees.]

[Image description: a photo of the land that Tender Fruits Collective stewards. In the photo, you see the silhouette of fir trees with a beautiful blue and deep pink sky]

This land project is an accessibility-centered space for Queer, Trans, Mad Sick, and Disabled, Survivors to heal, grow and learn in a sacred container made for and by Disabled babes for our collective care.

We are Sick, Mad and slow.

We are multiracial, multi-state, multi-national babes invoking Queered and Cripped Ancestry and learning while being committed to Land Back, land rematriation and Indigenous Sovereignty.

We are not a nonprofit. We are a grassroots collective of Mad cripples. We are an underground network of Queer, Crip mycelium.

In a world under Capitalist consumption, the money we mobilize in order to do movement work is just as political as the work itself. This means we collectively fund from community through mutual aid so that we don’t need to rely on government or state funding or corporations with interests that don’t align with our work and purpose.
In fact, as Queer, Trans, Neurodivergent, Mad, Sick and Disabled people, we know that our ability to do the work we do and to protect ourselves and our communities is dependent on our autonomy away from state-sanctioned prisons/institutions, surveillance requirements in exchange for funding and abled care.

We are survivors who understand that systems and institutions were not made for our healing but our incarceration and eradication.

We are low and no-income babes committed to creating abundance in our communities through mutual aid, reparations and reciprocity.

For more information:

Check out our Instagram @tenderfruitscollective

Tender Fruits Collective

[Image description: a close up photo of hazelnuts on a drying rack]

[Image description: a photo of apples frown on the land]

[Image description: a photo of saffron crocus blooming in a terracotta-colored pot. The Saffron crocus is a pinky-purple flower with six petals, three thick yellow pistils and three bright red pieces of saffron growing from the center.]

[Image description: a photo of a large apple tree on the land covered in snow]


Emmett S
Newport, VT

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