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Help rewire Cloneen Hall

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We need your help!
Cloneen Hall was built in 1982.  The  40 year old electrics need to be upgraded in the main hall, stage area, meeting room, bar and kitchen. This involves removing all the existing wiring, sockets, fuse panels, ceiling and wall lights in these areas and replacing them with up-to-date and efficient alternatives, to bring the electrical systems up to modern standards. We need your help to achieve this.

How the funds will be used
 All funds will be used to remove old wiring, sockets, lights, switches, plastic conduit and fuse panels and replace them with new alternatives in line with modern electrical standards.
All work will be completed by qualified electricians and certified when complete.
All work will be documented for future review.
All expenditure will be monitored by the management committee of Cloneen Hall.

The facility is used by many local organisations and provides a wonderful resource to the local community.

The current committee has been in place since June 2012 and have overseen the  following  major improvements to our facility. 

Work done so far
  • New entrance door, upgraded porch and main corridor.
  • New Fire doors, changing rooms and toilets (all accessible).
  • New gas boiler and radiators.
  • Upgraded security fencing surrounding the hall.
  • Resurfaced the entrance road-way and the car park, with improved drainage.
  • Installed an automatic security gate and access control system.
  • Added road-way lighting, kerbing and emergency lighting.
  • Renovated all wooden floors.
  • Replaced all windows, ceiling tiles and insulated all walls and ceilings.
  • Replaced three radiant gas heaters in the main hall.
  • New fire alarm and associated equipment installed.
All the above work was completed with the aid of grants from the following:
       South Tipperary Development Company
       Drangan & Cloneen Parish
       O'Brien Fine Foods
       South Tipperary County Council
       Aviva,  Dulux and others.

Where possible during these improvements any associated electrical systems were upgraded.

Requirement for funds

A recent inspection of the remaining 40 year old, untouched electrical systems in the main hall, stage area, meeting room, kitchen and bar commented on the age  of electrics. These electrical issues have now left us with a major fundraising challenge, and we now turn to our local community and friends to aid us in upgrading the remaining electrics to modern standards. This is the last major renovation anticipated by the current hall committee.

Please help

We appeal to you all, near and far, to give as generously as you can to this fundraising initiative. Any and all donations will be very much appreciated so that Cloneen Hall  can continue to provide a valued facility for generations to come.



  • Jerry Kelly
    • 50 € (Offline)
    • 2 Jahre
  • Panda Carpets
    • 250 € (Offline)
    • 2 Jahre
  • Iain Meagher
    • 250 € 
    • 2 Jahre
  • Stephanie O'Shea
    • 50 € (Offline)
    • 2 Jahre
  • Eoin Ryan
    • 50 € 
    • 2 Jahre

Spendenteam: Cloneen Hall Fundraising Team (3)

Cloneen Hall
County Tipperary
Sharon Noonan
Team member
Trish Grant
Team member

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