Help Mt. Lookout Grange Get a New Roof
Tax deductible
The Grange has been an integral part of my life for longer than any relationship, job, or house. It has been a steadfast presence in my community, serving our small Mancos town with unwavering dedication. From the moment I joined the board at the young age of 23, I took on the role of 'lecturer,' organizing speaker series, managing hall rentals, and supporting our monthly community suppers. Over the past decade, we have undergone significant changes. Our space now accommodates Mancos FoodShare, offering commodities, Cooking Matters classes, and access to a commercial kitchen. With no questions asked, it brings food to those in need and connects people within our community. The Grange has always been there, a special place for me as a 23-year-old, where I found friendships and cultivated a deep love for the people of Mancos. I owe so much of my attachment to this town to the Mt. Lookout Grange.
Now I find myself repeatedly declaring, "The Grange is For Everyone." This statement rings true as I immerse myself in the posters advertising gatherings, fundraisers, and various events at our beloved Grange. Taking the time to peruse our calendar reveals a multitude of bookings for birthday parties, graduation celebrations, weddings, workshops, classes, meetings, and concerts. These diverse activities reflect the genuine need our community has for a safe and affordable rental space in town. As a board, as a Grange, our primary goal is to provide exactly that, ensuring inclusivity for everyone. However, this goal is impossible to achieve without securing proper funding for the maintenance and improvements of our building. It is with great hope that we turn to our community for assistance in funding the much-needed new roof for our cherished Grange.
We extend our gratitude for your unwavering support and consideration.
Jordan Lang
Mt Lookout Grange #339
680 Grand Ave.
Mancos, Colorado 81328
Fundraising team (3)
Jordan Lang
Mancos, CO
Mancos Valley Resources
Abby Fox
Team member
Kelsy Dinnel
Team member