Help Me Find the Diagnosis
Hi friends,
I hate even writing to ask for this. I’ve been on a hunt to find out what’s wrong with my body for the last 3.5 long and excruciating months. Muscle tremors. Shaking hands. Blurry vision. Foggy brain. Swollen and painful joints. Exhaustion beyond normal. Elevated TSH levels. But no real answers and I’m at a loss. I’m pretty sure I’m at the cross roads of Lymes disease given our location and the rise in ticks in our area. The initial test was negative. Sadly, it takes a more substantial and costly work up: $1500.00. I can’t put my family through that financial burden right now. I’m a nurse busting my butt through this pandemic with a 2.5 year old and a 4 month old. I’m exhausted and I barely have the energy to type this up. Do not donate if you can’t. Please. I do not want to burden anyone with this. My journey, my cross to bear. Please all stay safe. Love and 6 foot social distanced hugs to you all.