Help me adopt a child from Ecuador
God is leading me to adopt. Want to be part of His plan?
I've wanted to have kids all my life, but couldn't. That's one reason why I'm working at the children's home in Ecuador, because it's something that God laid on my heart a long time ago. Back in the day, you couldn't adopt if you were single. Now it’s different, and I can adopt.
I hadn't thought about this for a long time, but then a little over a year ago in some of my devotional times, I felt like God was asking me to adopt. Around the same time, the adolescents from the children's home were all at my house and one of the boys said, “Why don't you just adopt us?” Of course, I couldn't adopt all 12 of them, right? On another occasion, when I was back in the US, a doctor I used to work for asked me if I ever thought of adopting, a topic that she and I had never talked about before.
All of these things together make me know that God is asking me to look at adopting.
Who I believe the Lord would have me adopt
Because of some of the rules here in Ecuador, there can't be more than 45 years
difference in age between an adoptive parent and an adopted child. This means I need to adopt a teenager, which is fine with me. I'm used to working with teenagers. I love teenagers, so I'm planning to adopt a teenager.
This teenager will also have to be a girl. In Ecuador you cannot adopt a male if you are a single female. And I believe the Lord wants me to adopt someone from Ecuador because I'm working with the kids and I see the need they have to have a forever family.
Why I am fundraising
I'm fundraising because I do not have all of the money needed to adopt a child in Ecuador. Most likely the child I adopt will come with not much more that what's on their back, and so I must provide many things for them. There’s also a chance that any teenage girl I adopt will have a child of her own. This means I will be providing for two people and not just one.
What I am fundraising for
There are many expenses involved in adoption. Some of them are related to the process (government forms and approvals, for example), and some of them are related to creating a new life for my child. I am raising funds to cover the cost of the following:
* Paperwork for the adoption
* Clothing and shoes
* School supplies
* Toiletries
* Furniture (bed and bedding, desk)
* Travel (local and international)
* Passports and visas
* Birth certificates
* Identity cards
How you can help
Please help me adopt a child from Ecuador by making a donation towards this Go Fund Me campaign. The need is great, and I believe the Lord is calling me to be a mother. Also, please pray that I will know the Lord’s leading, and that He will get all the glory during this exciting but stressful process.