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Madeline Bozzelli's Fundraiser & Scholarship

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Madeline Bozzelli was a local humanitarian who dedicated her life to making the world a better place to live. A doting grandmother, loving mother, and dedicated wife of nearly 76 years to her best friend, Libert Bozzelli, Madeline passed away this year. This fundraiser is to ensure her legacy of giving back will live on.

Madeline has championed dozens of causes and single-handedly orchestrated hundreds (probably thousands) of fundraisers for charities, non-profits, hospitals, and associations. She raised over $200 million for her causes and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

To keep her legacy alive, we are starting an annual fund to raise money in honor of Madeline for a scholarship program that would award an individual or individuals each year who have demonstrated the highest level of humanitarianism.

This fund will be open for donations for two months each year preceding the annual Madeline's Race for the Future 5k race, which will take place this September 2022. Fund allocations will be announced and made public at the end of each year.


Lauren Hovey
Stow, OH

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