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Gifting the book "Beating Black Kids"

Don protégé
I muster up the courage to connect with families in the streets of Chicago and wherever I travel, on a daily basis, in order to gift them the book "Beating Black Kids." This in turn enhances and adds to their parenting process. $100 allows me to gift 10 families. Therefore all it would take is 25 donors at $100 to make this ideal scene a reality. Visit our website at to read my train episodes and the reactions from families when they receive the book.

This is important work, and I need your support to do it.

Thanks in advance!

Beating Black Kids
Faire un don


  • Catherine Myers
    • 100 $ 
    • 6 ans
Faire un don


Asadah Kirkland
Chicago, IL

Votre plateforme d'entraide à la fois conviviale, efficace et sécurisée

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    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe