Last year Wednesday mornings was for working out
This year it’s to feed the homeless.
I also go out every other weekend.
Because shelters can't keep up
Because they need us!!
With restaurants barely open=little leftovers
No one is downtown = no cans to collect
The shelters are at VERY LIMITED capacity.
I have seen people getting turned away from shelters because they are at "full capacity"
Again restaurants are closed so they can't get warm.
Police are occupying metros to ensure they aren't.
The shelters are doing their best but there are VERY LITTLE places to keep warm so they are outside!!
Please help them!!!
Please help me help them.
I can’t do it alone.
The homeless population has gone up to with an extra 6000 on our streets, due to covid.
Thousands were earning minimum wage, living paycheque to paycheque and just couldn’t keep up...
We are now in winter weather and shelters and supplies are in EXTREME short supply
They need everything and are asking for basic necessities ..even panhandlers don’t ask me for money.
They ask for
winter boots
tooth brushes
This list goes on.
I can’t do this alone and why my friends and family convinced me to start a GoFundMe
Understand 100% of donations go to buying the goods they NEED and go directly into their hands.
Please see part of these efforts profiled by GlobalNews
ANY amount helps!!
This is our city.
These are our people.