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Justin Briggs Memorial Lax Tourney

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Hi everyone,

We're starting to fundraise for the 3rd Annual Justin Briggs Memorial Lacrosse Tournament. Although we were not able to hold the tournament last year, it was still a huge success! We raised nearly $8,500 and donated it all to Honduras Hope. We're hoping that the weather will allow us to hold the tournament this year and that we raise even more money than last year. 

PLEASE share this on facebook, through email, etc. with your friends and family...it really goes a long way.

For those who are new, Justin was in our fraternity at Miami University and his bright and charismatic personality made him a lot of friends throughout the Greek community as well Miami in general. During the summer after freshman year he passed away tragically. Justin's favorite sport was lacrosse and he was very good at it. For the past 3 years we have held a lacrosse tournament in April to bring the Miami community together to remember Justin and celebrate his life by playing the game that he loved. All of the proceeds are donated to the Justin Briggs Memorial Scholarship Fund through Honduras Hope, which was started by Justin's grandfather. The scholarship fund helps Honduran students attend secondary and post secondary school. For more information on Honduras Hope and the scholarship fund go to www.hondurashope.org.

Thank you everyone for your help and participation. Let's have another great year!


  • Jessica Baggetta
    • 50 $ 
    • 4 Jahre


Alec Paul
Oxford, OH
Honduras Hope

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