Mario Woods Remembrance Day
A devastated mother. A grieving community. An unimaginable loss. A moment that became a movement.
Help us to ALWAYS remember Mario Woods— a young black man whose life was suddenly cut short on December 2, 2015 by five SFPD officers in an execution-style shooting documented in a viral video that spawned a movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADr7I8m0HNA
Help us to celebrate the life of Mario Woods on the anniversary of his birthday, July 22, 2017, by contributing to our second annual Mario Woods Remembrance Day event to be held in Martin Luther King Park in the Bayview.
In the wake of Mario’s execution, a groundswell of people came together to build a movement in support Gwen Woods and all of those who have been impacted by racialized police violence in the Bay Area. In January, 2016, the City and County of San Francisco declared July 22nd Mario Woods Remembrance Day and later that year we held the first ever celebration of Mario’s life.
Please help ensure a beautiful 2nd Annual Mario Woods Remembrance Day. This is an inclusive, community based, family-friendly event. Everyone is welcome to join us, Gwen Woods and other mothers of victims of police brutality at Martin Luther King Park on Saturday, July 22nd. The funds raised will go towards providing food and entertainment. In addition, funds will go towards continuing our work towards building citizen awareness and support to the fight for #Justice4MarioWoods and justice for victims of police violence.
Your donation goes 100% to seeking justice for Mario and supporting his family and the affected community. All of our members are volunteers who do this work out of the passion for justice in their hearts.
Thank you,
Phelicia Jones, Founder
Wealth and Disparities in the Black Community - Justice 4 Mario Woods
Follow us on Facebook to learn more: https://www.facebook.com/Wealth-and-Disparities-in-the-Black-Community-Justice-4-Mario-Woods-1597022747260594/