Fire damage to club
This Go-fund me page was
reactivated after a malicious fire destroyed the communities
youth and community club at
1.30 am last night 02 July 2021. The kids were just back in with
others due in and the-rest , our
precious seniors were on their
way in for long awaited bingo and other activities.
Devastated isn’t the
word for what everyone is
people were asking for a go fund so this was just re-activated if
People wanted to donate.
Thank you to the
community coming up to the
centre and joining us in our shockand horror at what has happened.
And to the wider community
thank you for your support
comments and show of support
and love for us and our little club that was about to do big things in the community ♥️♥️♥️
We will stand strong and get the place up and running. We will do
it together for the kids ♥️♥️
Together we can and will make a difference ♥️
We also have a date for a
fundraising hike for the
22 Aug 2021
for anyone interested in taking
part in this hike you can contact
Collette Ashley.
I’m sure it will be a fantastic day
like last years hike
Our premises was to be a
home for our youth club kids and will also be a community hub for other generations in the
community with lots of activities to suit all age brackets.
We are a volunteer led club with
all leaders Garda Vetted and all have relevant Child Protection