Food for the Bay Area
My name is Robin Anderson-Wood and I am on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area.
While COVID-19 has upended life for us all, the senior community is especially vulnerable. A subset of the seniors I work with (about 200 of them) have no family or social support. In the past, my job was to introduce them to one another, thereby strengthening their social circles and bringing them out of isolation. Right now, with the current crisis we face, a new need has emerged. Many of the seniors I work with are trapped in their homes, scared, and most urgently - hungry.
Before COVID-19, these seniors would get their meals from local food banks and community centers; but the vast majority of these places have closed their doors and are no longer operating - the ones that are open are overwhelmed and doing the best they can, but it's simply not enough.
The affects of long-term neglect add up over time, and we often don't notice until it is too late. But sometimes we get lucky. Sometimes someone - somewhere - does more than notice and we can intervene in-time.
Every single dollar I raise will go directly to purchasing food for hungry seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have a team of professional cooks and drivers, folks with over-sized hearts ready to donate their time without charging a penny. We only need money to cover the food.
$20 will feed one senior for one week.
$100 will feed five seniors for one week.
$500 will feed 25 seniors for one week.
We just need to get by - one week at a time - until this crisis ends and local food banks and community centers are open again.
Any contribution you make will, quite literally, be life-changing. It’s not just the food, but also the act of kindness, that will help many of our seniors feel less alone and get through this scary time. If you would like to give and prefer sending a check or money order, please send it to the address listed in my signature below.
Thank you - ever so sincerely - for taking the time to learn more about what's happening here in the Bay Area. If you cannot donate, please share. Awareness matters and I am as grateful for your donation as I am for the attention you can help bring to our beautiful Bay Area seniors.
With a full heart and deep gratitude,
Robin Anderson-Wood
Wider Circle Headquarters
711 Nevada St, Suite 20
Redwood City, CA 94061