School Feeding Program in Nairobi . Kenya
Donation protected
Hello Friends and Family,
Happy New Year !!! I hope you are doing well in 2024. Marta, Eva, and I are now living in Nairobi. It is great to be here with them and show them a part of the world that is close to me. A new adventure as a family. With that in mind, I would like to share with you an opportunity to make a positive impact here in Nairobi, especially to one of its most vulnerable populations its children. Recently I saw firsthand the food insecurity in the streets of Nairobi on Christmas Day as my friend gave a bag of groceries to one child and then a mob of kids came, and they were fighting over it. It made me think that there has to better way for these children to have access to food/nutrition and life skills that will help aid them to get out of this predicament.
Luckily there is a solution at the local level that we can contribute to. A colleague of mine Robert Omolo who grew up in Kibera Slum has been organizing school feedings and life skills training for 5 years in Kibera aiding children whose parents can not afford school meals, school fees, and children who live on the streets. Robert went out of the country for the last year and now is back to lead this impactful project.
The goal is to raise $3,000 to continue this work. We will be looking for other ways to make locally sustainable in the coming months.
The money would cover:
1. Feeding at least 100 Kids Every Saturday (rice, beans, vegetables, and meat on occasion) this will last up to 2 to 3 months.
2. At least 20 scholarships to Government Schools which will include – school fees, food, books, and uniforms
3. Give life skill training to the kids.
Most of these kids are from the street with no one to support them. I know there are opportunities to support programs in your communities but what I saw that day touched me and I know we can make a difference if we pull our funds together. No amount is too small. Through my experience in various contexts throughout the world what it takes is not only money but also the team on the ground to make it happen. We have that in Robert, and he will be providing updates through photos and video of the impact your money is making in this community.
Thanks a million in advance for any assistance and all the best to you and your families in 2024.
Todd Wofchuck
Redwood City, CA