Hi, my name is Brodie Fountain. I recently decided to take a leave of absence from work to travel to Ukraine and to help the Ukrainian people in every and any way I can. Since March 11th , I’ve spent my time working with fellow ex-military British and Americans through a multitude of humanitarian groups like Borders Without Borders and the Red Cross to medical supplies to Ukrainian citizens in need, as well as bringing at risk people to the border (this includes mostly women and children) and into a safer location. I have personally done 5 trips into Ukriane and brought back multiple families from Lviv while the group has done many, many more.
Any donations that are received will be used for supplies, acquiring vehicles, gas, equipment and personal expenses while I am away from work.
I would like to say thank you to everyone for taking the time to read this and for any size of donation that you have given. These great people didn’t ask for this and they need our help to get through it.