Bike Rack/Sculpture for East Falls
Donation protected
You'd think a sculpture bolted to concrete would be stationary, but Inn Yard Park's jaunty fish bike rack has been surprisingly mobile. Installed in 2011, by 2015 it had been jostled from it's spot by road work, and then a year later EFDC's director at the time let a local business owner give it a home in front of his shop on the other end of Ridge Avenue. Seemed after curb cut-out and other changes to the area, there'd be no room to keep it at Inn Yard.
But no! Months later, after the construction was finished, the Street Dept found the bike rack could fit in there after all. Great -- except everyone down by Frequency Tattoo loved it there, and used it often, and frankly owner John Howie was really bummed to see it go after he'd felt so lucky to score it.
EFDC felt really bad about the switcheroo, and offered $500 for a bike rack from the Streets Dept's catalog of various styles -- none of them nearly as cool as artist Sandra Webberking's fish sculpture from recycled industrial components.

So we contacted Sandy, who was so touched by our situation she agreed to create a replacement rack at cost. She even collaborated with him to create a design to complement the historic storefronts along this part of Ridge.
With EFDC's $500 as a down payment, plus $500 from East Falls Oktoberfest this year, we've just got about $200 more to go -- so close! With a little help, East Falls will have a 2nd cool sculptural bike rack anchoring Ridge. Like little Easter eggs to find, joyful reminders we're not a cookie-cutter neighborhood.
Read more about East Falls' "migratory" fish bike rack on East Falls Local, including our efforts to celebrate community art along our business corridor.
There's even a fairy tale about it !
Thank you for supporting art for East Falls! We're less than $500 away from our goal! (Any donations exceeding our goal will go towards installation and more community art)

But no! Months later, after the construction was finished, the Street Dept found the bike rack could fit in there after all. Great -- except everyone down by Frequency Tattoo loved it there, and used it often, and frankly owner John Howie was really bummed to see it go after he'd felt so lucky to score it.
EFDC felt really bad about the switcheroo, and offered $500 for a bike rack from the Streets Dept's catalog of various styles -- none of them nearly as cool as artist Sandra Webberking's fish sculpture from recycled industrial components.

So we contacted Sandy, who was so touched by our situation she agreed to create a replacement rack at cost. She even collaborated with him to create a design to complement the historic storefronts along this part of Ridge.
With EFDC's $500 as a down payment, plus $500 from East Falls Oktoberfest this year, we've just got about $200 more to go -- so close! With a little help, East Falls will have a 2nd cool sculptural bike rack anchoring Ridge. Like little Easter eggs to find, joyful reminders we're not a cookie-cutter neighborhood.
Read more about East Falls' "migratory" fish bike rack on East Falls Local, including our efforts to celebrate community art along our business corridor.
There's even a fairy tale about it !
Thank you for supporting art for East Falls! We're less than $500 away from our goal! (Any donations exceeding our goal will go towards installation and more community art)

Carolyn Fillmore
Philadelphia, PA