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Daz's bucket list fulfillment

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Hey everyone, you all know or have heard of the dynamic friendship with Daz and his family. We were there when he and Melanie got married, watched her young daughter grow into a lovely young lady, and watched their daughter Daisy grow up from birth.

When Daz and family were in the states last October, he was having some lower back pain. Upon arriving home to the UK they discovered a large tumor in his abdomen. He underwent the maximum dose of chemotherapy right out of the gate, while Lilly and I made plans to go over and help out. While there, we discovered that not only did the chemo not work, but the tumor has grown. To make matters worse - the toll it has taken on Daz's body tells us we are running out of time.

I need to go back - sooner rather than later - because there's only so much Melanie can do on her own. I am shooting to head over 26 June to 12 July, and I am asking for help in making that happen.

Anything will be greatly appreciated. The monies will cover the flight and the rental car, so he can visit wherever he wants before he's gone.

(Btw if anyone has connections with flights/miles and rental cars - that will be even better!)


  • Claire Wareham
    • 50 $ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • mark nangle
    • 35 $ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • David Pratt
    • 20 $ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Anonym
    • 20 $ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Michael Richardson
    • 100 $ 
    • 1 Jahr


Mike Winfrey
Atlanta, GA

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