Cover the Curve
Magne Shade™ and Initial Decor ™ have joined forces in order to deliver fabric mask covers to health care providers in need. The CDC states that fabric masks are an appropriate crisis response when other supplies have been exhausted.
Your donation will help fund supplies to produce these mask covers and shipping costs to facilities.
We recognize the need for such aid as the COVID-19 outbreak has depleted medical supplies and forced many facilities to ration their on hand supplies. We have the capability to quickly cut the fabric needed to produce many masks and get them to health care providers. We are calling these “mask covers” because through our ongoing conversations with healthcare providers we are learning that some are going an entire day with access to only a single properly rated protective mask, having to reuse them because of supply shortage. The purpose of a mask cover is that it can be sterilized, preserving the integrity of the N95 or surgical mask being worn, allowing the provider to keep it on at all times. The general concern is that in many cases this may be the only line of defense in the event the demand for appropriate medical masks outweigh the available supply.
We plan to allow those who would like to help to either sew masks from home and then send them to medical professionals, or donate in order to help our cause. We have cut a small first run of mask covers and you can see one of our seamstresses wearing our model mask. Tomorrow we are going to be talking with several groups who have reached out with their ideal models, materials and ideas, on how this can be a fast and efficient process. We are gearing up to have shipping of completed mask covers as well as cut to sew mask kits ready to ship in the next 72 hours.
Please remember we are a small family owned business willing to help in the collective effort to Cover the Curve of the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we can make a difference.
To request mask covers please visit: https://fs23.formsite.com/fpfpdl/CoverTheCurve/index.html
We do NOT claim that these mask covers protect against the COVID-19 Virus.
We are not making these mask covers for monetary gain.
All masks will be donated to health care providers experiencing a shortage in supplies, and you can make request to receive them at the link above.
Thank you for your support!