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C.O.P.S.S - $1 If You Do

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Building relationships and bridging the gap between the community and the police is the responsibility of us all as citizens. C.O.P.S.S would like to be at the forefront of this movement. Since 2016 we have been engaging our youth through sports but this is just the beginning. We are elevating lives through programming, interaction and support that will change the dynamic of their future. As we all stand together, the vision becomes clearer and the success rate rises amongst the children who will one day be our leaders. Working together in communities throughout our nation is the mission. Creating positive partnerships geared towards destroying the negative connotations associated with policing is our vision. The time is now, the C.O.P.S.S movement has begun. Do you believe?

Our C.O.P.S.S organization is not just all about introducing our youth to sports. Since our launch in 2016, we've been utilizing sports as a platform to have a personal relationship and most importantly a lasting influence with our youth and young adults. Creating elite tournaments during the summer in an attempt to strategically keep kids safe from gang violence. Having a front row seat in listening to the real underlying problems our youth often express to us behind closed doors. Teaching the importance of looking and acting professional as a team, in an attempt to make them more competitive in the workplace. Our C.O.P.S.S organization also provide dozens of resources to our youth. Lastly & most importantly, these kids and young adults are not only spending hours around mentors, but having the time of their lives while doing so.

We must make a continuous effort to bridge the gap between the community and the Police Department. Our C.O.P.S.S organization has  continued to effectively demonstrate the many roles that the Buffalo Police Department exemplifies in society. As we continue to grow and expand our C.O.P.S.S organization, we will increase the recruitment of local young men and woman to sit for the Civil Service Exam, all while introducing new ways for the community to communicate with Police. As we continue moving forward, along with your support, the ultimate goal is to expand our C.O.P.S.S organization to multiple inner cities throughout the United States. Implementing this program throughout the country will impact thousands of young men and women. With your support, we truly believe we can partner with multiple police agencies ;therefore, becoming a national organization.

We're overjoyed and very proud of what our C.O.P.S.S organization is achieving within our community. We've been successful in utilizing what little resources we have. Consequently, this would not be possible without your support. Help us take our organization to the next level. Thank you again for your love and support!

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Darren McDuffie
Buffalo, NY
Michael Norwood jr
Michael Norwood
Team member

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