CBS Crowdsourced Recipe Book for Unicef
Hi members of the CBS Community, Friends & Family,
Thanks to the creative contributions of many of you, we have compiled a world-class recipe book with contributions from Dean Crawford, staff & faculty members and +50 students. We have 75 recipes that shed light to the diversity and global representation of the CBS community, with ethnic dishes from +20 countries!
The next step of this project is getting your donations and promoting the recipe book among friends and family members to raise funds for UNICEF. Just one year ago I was volunteering teaching kids English at a rural school in Mozambique. These kids have had their right to education disrupted because of the Coronavirus crisis(as they have no tools for online learning), and this is just one of the negative effects that COVID-19 is bringing on children globally. I have chosen UNICEF for this fundraiser as they fight to bring health, nutrition, and education to the most vulnerable children. I will be personally matching the first $500 in donations (however, I will be sending my contribution to Kululeku, the NGO I volunteered in at Mozambique).
As per the logistics, please post a comment with your email after you have done the donation (suggested amount $15-$20) so I can send you the PDF file (or if you prefer, reach out to me at [email redacted]). I would please ask you not to distribute the pPDF but rather to encourage friends and family to participate in the fundraiser.
Thanks so much for all your contributions!