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Love 4 Teacher Brandon Kincaid Fund

Spende geschützt
Brandon was a beloved 2nd grade teacher at Meadow Lane Elementary in Goldsboro, NC. He also served as a youth pastor at Neuse Baptist Church in Kinston, NC. Brandon was only 27 years young, and he was tragically killed by a daycare bus in the school parking lot on Tuesday, February 9th. Brandon had an infectious smile, a huge heart, and a gentle soul. Although he was wheelchair bound, he never allowed his disability to get in the way of living life and being an example to others. He lived every moment to the fullest and encouraged others in every way possible. Brandon was blessed to marry the love of his life, Sara. The couple's first born child, Benjamin, is due in June. Please join me in showing Sara and baby Benjamin our love and support by making a donation in Brandon's honor. This money will help them to take care of the many expenses that are to come in the wake of this tragedy. Thank you in advance for your love, support, and prayers. May God richly bless you.



  • Douglas Markham
    • $30
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Stephanie Collins Cogdell Johnson
Goldsboro, NC
Sara Andrews Kincaid

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