Burberry Scarf Replacement
We are Brooke and Vanessa. We are friends of Heather (the wife). We are pissed off about how our friend Heather has been screwed over by her WASband, Joe.
Joe and Heather had been together for about 20 years and have 8 kids together, too many dogs to count and a few other random pets (a pig, fish, some cats - it's like a domesticated zoo. )
Heather spent those years at home raising her wild, wonderful herd of offspring while Joe was out sowing his wild oats with a neighborhood tart.
His departure from the family home was less than graceful as it was accompanied by the discovery of said tart being pregnant.
Fast forward about a year. Heather is moving on. Got a tattoo, got herself a great job, another kid has graduated high school and she might even be able to finally take a proper trip to Mexico next year to help celebrate Vanessa's 40th.
Here's the thing. Heather was the quintessential stay at home mom, complete with all the necessary sacrifices that go along with that. Raising 8 kids is expensive and Heather's a pretty low-key chick who doesn't fuss over all that fancy shit that some women do. Except for her one treasured designer item - a Burberry scarf. She shared that scarf with her daughters freely. They wore it because they took good care of it. Then it disappeared.
Turns out Joe - the WASband- gave it to his mistress.
Let's replace that for Heather. She'll never buy it for herself. Ok? Ok.
The scarf retails for about $400CAD. We'll have it shipped to us in Canada so we can add a few tidbits for Heather because we love her and this shit is fun. Then we'll ship it to her so she can rock that motherfuckin' scarf like the boss that she is.
Ready? Yeah, you are.