Brighton Abseil in aid of FreeShop Crawley
On the 31st of August Laura-Jane and Sophie will be tackling a 138m abseil down the i360 in Brighton to raise vital funds to support FreeShop Crawley.
In this current economic climate people who have never needed to call on food banks are now needing help to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. They are being faced with the horrible reality of either feeding their family or heating their house and buying fresh groceries has become a luxury, this is something we at ‘Free Shop’ want to address.
Our vision is to have a ‘free shop’ where ANYONE who is in need, no matter their background or circumstances, can shop for FREE. They will be able to choose from as range of fresh groceries and daily essentials completely free of charge. These will be procured through local donations from Crawley businesses and individuals. "From Crawley to Crawley". We want to put the pride back into the simple act of feeding the family and allow those in need, the gift of choice.
We aim to provide:
• Fresh groceries
Butter, dairy free butter, Bread, gluten free bread, Fresh milk, Eggs, Apples, Satsumas, Pears, Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, butternut squash, broccoli, cauliflower.
• Non perishables
Baby formula ( variety of brands) UHT milk, free from items, gluten free pasta, dried pasta, canned sweetcorn, peas, beans, tomatoes
• Non-food items
Nappies, baby wipes, teething gel, calpol, napisan, nappy rash cream, washing tablets, washing up liquid, toilet roll, kitchen roll, shower gel, bubble bath, shampoo, conditioner ( where necessary children and adult versions)
• Baby bank outpost
Baby clothes 0-8years, small selection of other essential baby items.
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Free Shop and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
Sophie Lambert
Free Shop