Random Acts of Kindness & Big #KindnessDuck Party
At the Kindness Duck Project, our mission is simple: Plant Kindness, Grow Kindness, Share Kindness.
Through this platform and others, the Kindness Duck Project has received over $30,000 (!) to carry out our mission and vision:
Plant: Responding to community needs and performing as many random acts of kindness as possible
Grow: Promoting and uplifting charitable organizations and event by providing them a larger platform
Share: Providing children of all ages the opportunity to receive and give kindness through #KindnessDucks events
Through the amazing partnerships we have developed in our short time (and the amazing generosity of people who have already supported us on this platform), we are extremely excited to bring the World's Largest Rubber Duck to Fort Worth on October 29-31, 2021!!! Though we are disappointed we had to postpone our July date, we can't wait until Mama Duck finally splashes down!
Until then, we are going to implement our mission in every way that we can, and it starts with Planting Kindness. All funds raised through this platform to-date have been dedicated for making sure Mama Duck (and Baby Duck!) splash down safely in October. Any contributions you would like to make here will go directly to one of two things:
1) Performing Random Acts of Kindness throughout our community, especially through responding to community needs
2) Performing Random Acts of Kindness at the Big #KindnessDuck Party in October
Whether we raise $1 or $100,000, we are extremely grateful for everyone's support, and we look forward to Planting Kindness, Growing Kindness, and Sharing Kindness - WITH YOU!

For more information about the Kindness Duck Project, visit our webpage here .