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Beltline Rail Music Video

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This project is about making Atlanta a better city, for all of us. It's a music video that we plan to go ATL viral, to get the people to push back against the Marta board's very flawed plans to use taxpayer's money to build rail that doesn't serve most of the constituents who will pay for it, for the next 40 years. The Marta board vote happens Oct. 4th, so we have to move fast! 

In 2016, the people of Atlanta voted on a regressive sales tax (TSPLOST) to build more mass transit. The politicians led the conversation with putting rail along the entire Beltline loop. Residents got excited and overwhelmingly passed the referendum. Now, Marta is planning to vote on a plan that would break that promise (only 7 miles of Beltline rail, vs. all 22 miles).  Their plan is to spend the bulk of the money on the Clifton Corridor, a project that wasn't even part of the city when the vote happened and runs partially through Dekalb County.  The plan would make the City of Atlanta foot the entire bill, instead of asking Dekalb and the state of Georgia to pay their fair share, as it is a regional project. 

Transit on the Beltline is important.  It goes around the city much like 285 does.  It connects with Marta's north/south lines and the east/west lines and provides a great deal of connection for much of Atlanta. In the next 20 years, a million more people will be coming to the city of Atlanta alone (2.5 million to the metro area) and we need to plan for that growth and get people off the roads.  

This project has been in the works for months now, but as productions tend to go, we are a bit behind schedule. Your help is vital to getting this video funded and shipped!

Here is the breakdown of the cost of the 4 day shoot. 

Director- $1,200
Producer- $500
Production Assistants- $300
Supplies- $270
Equipment Rental- $420
Rental Car- $260
Editing- $700
Special Effects- $1,000
Food- $350
Gas money for actors- $100 
Music production- $1,000 
Promotion- $400

Gofundme no longer does tiered giving, but rewards will be given as follows: 

$25- 1 ticket to an exclusive donors only party, which includes a drink ticket (you can donate in multiples of $25 to get multiple tickets ie. $50=2 tickets)

$50- A 5 min. FaceTime/Google Hangout freestyle rap with Kimyung Kim (limited to first 5 donors, and then pricing goes up to $100)

$500- two options 
-Placement of physical product in the video (limit to 4.  branded t-shirt, other item/merchandise)

-A freestyle rap performance at your event by Kimyung Kim (limit to 3  $1,000 value.  Metro Atlanta events only, all others require a travel surcharge) 

$1,000- Your business location shot in the video (limit to 4.  Beltline and Beltline adjacent businesses only) 

Please inquire directly about exclusive sponsorship plans! 

We're racing the clock and need your help! Thank you so much for your support in this project! Let's get the people of Atlanta the great transit we deserve! 


Kimyung Kim
Atlanta, GA

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