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Backpacks bring HOPE Backpack and School Supply Drive

Steuerlich absetzbar
Every Summer, Stephanie's Lifeline collects and purchases backpacks and school supplies for foster and CPS involved students.

Join me in making a difference. I'm raising money to benefit Backpacks bring HOPE put on each year by Stephanie's Lifeline. Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.

More information about Stephanie's Lifeline: Stephanie's Lifeline is a community benefit organization that provides assistance and outreach to homeless, low-income, & at-risk individuals & families. Donations are a huge part of how we plan to fund for the programs that we want to implement. The future of Stephanie's Lifeline can be truly effective and most helpful if people like you choose to help us. We can not do this without you. Making a donation to Stephanie's Lifeline H.O.P.E can help us reach more individuals and change more lives.


Stephanie Endres
Seattle, WA
Stephanies Lifeline

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