Please help the Castillo Family
Hi. My name is Stephanie Brown and I’m fundraising for the Castillo family. They have recently received some very bad news about their 10 year old son, Logan. He has Burkitt’s Lymphoma stage 4 and is currently in the Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara. The family are from Paso Robles so they will need help with the cost of having to be away from their home.
Leo Castillo, Logan’s father, is a 20 year Army Veteran and is currently serving at Camp Roberts. Logan is a sweet, sensitive little boy who loves Star Wars. Logan has two siblings, his twin sister Lainey and his little brother, Noah.
Leo and Katie Castillo are beside themselves with grieve and worry. Please consider easing their minds in this difficult time. They will be at the hospital for an uncertain period of time and will also need help with after care. When your child is sick the last thing a parent should be worried about is how they are going to support themselves and their children.
Thank you all in advance and god bless your giving hearts. ❤️