Caring for Carson ❤️
Hello Friends! This is Carson, he is 7 years old and has Angelman Syndrome, a rare neuro-genetic disorder. Individuals with Angelman Syndrome have severe developmental delays, speech limitations, and motor difficulties. And, like Carson, can have debilitating, life threatening and difficult to control seizures. Carson is happy, curious, mischievous, smart, funny, loving, sensitive, busy and gives the best hugs and kisses. He loves his little brother, Chase, and has the most amazing mom, Allana, who tirelessly advocates for her son.
Carson is currently in a medical induced coma at London’s Children Hospital due to a Status Epilepticusan seizure, which is a seizure that lasts longer than 5 minutes, in Carson’s case it has lasted longer than a week. He has also developed pneumonia and a blood infection while at the hospital.
Please help us raise funds for Carson to have anew Safety Sleeper bed. Children with AS are very busy and often get into dangerous situations due to not understanding the dangers of their surroundings. A safety sleeper bed will provide a safe space for Carson while giving Allan peace of mind knowing her son is safe while in his room.
Thank you for your love and support. ❤️