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Running For Palestine - 5k Run

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On July 11th I will be running a 5k to raise funds for Liverpool Friends of Bi'lin.

Friends of Bi'lin is a Liverpool based group that is twinned with the village of Bi'lin in the West Bank in Palestine.

I have gone from being a couch dweller to training for the 5k in just the last few weeks so I hope for your support in this great cause.

Twinning is an act of friendship and solidarity with a people suffering from occupation, oppression and denial of basic human rights and freedoms, ensuring they do not feel isolated in their daily struggle.  It creates opportunities for exchange visits and we get to know real people in a real place.

LFOB is non-party political, and its members come from Christian, Jewish and Moslem backgrounds, and from no faith.


Alun Parry

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