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Greenwood Clean Street Project

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Hello, I am trying to raise funds to help me continue cleaning the trash off the streets in my neighborhood and to give to local charities. Some of you may have seen me picking up the trash in the Greenwood/Phinney area (
     About seven months ago I invested in a Nifty Grabber (made by Unger, a great tool!) and started picking up trash off the street during my walks to and from work. My route goes along Greenwood and Phinney between N 83rd and N 60th, and you can see the difference now compared to the amount of trash still on the surrounding streets. I figured it was a small way to give back to the community. Many people have thanked me and seem to appreciate my efforts, and somebody posted a photo of me on ( Now I am hoping I can do more with the help of others.
     Basically, I do not have a lot of money myself (I work for a non profit), so it would be great if people who support my efforts could donate and help keep me in supplies, and hopefully get some kind of mobile trash collecting system going. Ideally, I would like to have a trash can cart with a broom, dust pan, and a new grabber (I've worn the tip down on my current one). It is tough sometimes to do a good job without having more tools and supplies at hand, plus plastic trash and dog dirt bags costs add up. Also, if I get enough support, I may be able to work out a way to expand my territory and move on to the next phase of this project (which would involve getting more people and local businesses involved).
     Whatever the amount of funds I raise, half of it will go into the project and the other half will go to a local charity. There are a couple food banks in the Greenwood area, the money will go to one or both depending on how much is raised. If this is at all successful I hope it may inspire other people to do the same.
     My pledge is to keep doing this as long as possible. We'll see what happens, thanks for your support!


Todd Chaisson
Seattle, WA

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