Help My Wife Erica Kuddar with her Long Recovery
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I am having a very hard time finding the words to express myself in a time of need.
I am not one to ask for help, especially when it comes to money.
For those who are close to me, you all know I’ve been dealing with my wife’s health issues mentally and physically for quite some time, and in doing so, it has caused an enormous financial Strain.
In March of 2015 my wife while working as a Veterinary Technician was involved in a freak accident causing major damage to her neck and spine.
July of 2018 after battling Workers Comp for Three long painful years she was finally granted to have surgery to repair the damage to her neck and with that came a long road to recovery. That road was a long and twisted journey and though she did get some relief with her neck it was over shadowed by the on going issues with her back.
It was explained to her that the neck had to be attended to first.
As time went on her back got increasingly worse .
It became a battle with Workers Comp to move forward with her back
During this battle the pain not only got worse but she then started experiencing numbness down her legs , her feet and her arm.
During all this time our financial situation was affected tremendously.
With all the on going issues going on it put a tremendous mental strain on my wife to the point where she didn’t want to live anymore. She felt useless as a Mother, Wife , and Friend. Even with all the support from family and friends she still felt useless and would eventually try and take her own life on several occasions and almost succeeded.
She then spent some time in a facility for mental health care. The people there were amazing and to date she still talks to a specialist.
Though her mental state is way better the physical pain only continued to get worse. The battle with worker comp was long and exhausting but finally….
On 11/25/2024, my wife finally got the surgery we had been fighting her workers' comp for years for. The surgery ended up being done in two separate procedures/surgeries. When they opened her up, it was a lot worse than anticipated.
On 11/27/2024, my wife had apparently lost a lot of blood during the surgeries, causing her to lose consciousness, which led to the nurse hitting the button on the wall, leading to medical staff rushing into the room to help revive her. I thought I lost her, but the staff at Inspira were on their game. They gave my wife the attention she needed, and after a few more days, she was able to go home.
My wife is so happy to be home, but she still needs around-the-clock care, which I have been and will continue to give her. With every day passing, she is getting stronger, and I hope to return to work soon.
My wife is MY EVERYTHING and I will do whatever it takes to make sure she gets the care she needs. Though she is getting stronger she still needs round the clock care which has kept me from returning back to work.
Growing up, I was always told to have funds put away for a rainy day.
Well, those who are close to me all know it has been pouring rain for years now. The rainy day funds have been depleted.
I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself for even thinking about doing this, but I don’t know what else to do. Please don’t feel obligated to help.
I know I’m not the only one going through it, and the fact it’s the holiday season makes this request even harder for me to put out there.
Again, I apologize and thank all who have taken the time out to send prayers and well wishes our way through this difficult time.
I also want to thank all in advance for taking the time out to read this.
Tracy Kuddar
Williamstown, NJ