Adam Leighton let the fight continue to get access
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I’ve done it. I’ve signed up to the 10k run in Brighton Sunday 7th April along with my dad who is 68. No going back now! I think he will be more scared when I tell him. I have been training a lot in the gym and been on 3— 7mile runs. I will carry on training to get to the finishing line.
My cousin Adam Leighton recently passed away at the age of just 33 years of age. Adam was born with a condition called Freeman Sheldon Syndrome. This affected his health including, breathing, growing, movement and more. He was in and out of hospital from a young age. He was and always will be one of the strongest people I know. He never liked to ask for help growing up and was always independent. I liked to think when I was younger I looked after him but in all honesty he didn’t need help. He never let his disability/ health stop him from living his life. He learnt to drive, purchased a house, became one of the best pool players and won numerous games and known as short spice. He had a fiancé and daughter named Sienna, as well as bringing up his step daughter Lexi who he treated like his own.
Recently he found out that his finance cheated on him with his best friend, lied about it and carried on. He was prepared to forgive her and work through it. But she decided instead she would leave Adam and get with his best friend. While they were going through this time they shared custody of both children. Then his ex decided he couldn’t see or spend time with Lexi his step daughter, which upset him very much as he brought her up. Then his ex decided she would make it difficult to sell there house and then she decided to not allow him to see his own daughter Sienna aged 3. He was away from his daughter for 50+ days and heart broken. He missed her very much and lived for his daughter and family. His daughter was his greatest achievement and you could see that. Although I believe he had the most achievements you could ever think of. He was going through courts trying to get access to see her and had to wait for the process.
Adam died due to his health taking such a strain with stress and worry that it destroyed him. Adam beat death many times growing up sounds corney but true. He was a very strong person. His ex and best friend have a lot to answer for!!! If only he had seen his daughter maybe he would be alive now. Unfortunately there is no way of bringing him back. But one thing I know is his daughter was his princess and he lived for her. He fighted for her untill the very end.
We are doing this run and will complete it to raise money for Adam’s daughter Sienna. Sienna has lost her dad at the age of 3. The money will be used for Adam’s family to carry on the fight to gain access to see Sienna of which Adam would have wanted. By them gaining access it means she will always be reminded of the amazing dad she had and never forget him. If this fails knowing what the justice system is like Adam’s family will put the money into a trust for Sienna for when she is 18.
Every penny will help the fight or go towards a trust for Sienna and she will know how loved her dad was and is. So please any donations welcome. No parent should have to bury their child. Last of all hold your family close and don’t let go and know how lucky you are to have them.
Thank you
Oriana Morgan-Usher