HELP with my rare, long-term, NET cancer, & life's expenses
Donation protected
This is, James M. Tobin,
I’m wishing and hoping, all of you are doing fine and staying Healthy, and Happy, AND ENJOYING WHAT IS LEFT OF YOUR SUMMER.
In 2005, at age 51, I was unfortunately diagnosed with a very rare, neoplasm, "Neuroendocrine Carcinoid Tumor Cancer."
In my heart of hearts, I have to hope, that there are still good-hearted people in the world, who want to help those in desperate & serious needs.
I am always looking for help through my city, state, or federal programs, have tried to find the help through city, state, or Federal government, but they do nothing to assist me with the ability to pay my rent, utilities, insurances, and EVERYTHING ELSE, but the type of assistance that I will truly need, is through your kind donations.
Nausea, a side-effect of my particular cancer, has caused me the inability to have worked these past nineteen years, always making me feel like, ‘getting sick.’
Not any quality of life is all I can say.
I do not live beyond my means, I live a frugal existence. Never going out to eat, or a movie,
The donations that I am asking for, are primarily for my basic needs. This will help me pay the difference between my low, social security, which 100% goes to rent, still falls short a few hundred dollars, then add everything else, and anyone can understand my dilemma, for having to ask for donations.
The, ‘Basic needs,’ would allow me to remain in my family home, afford my bills, reducing my financial depression, high anxiety, panic attacks, BUT, sadly does not include a few needed repairs on the 1972 Mobilehome. Such as a roof, out of warranty, leaks in the ceilings, and a few other issues. Medicare does not cover Dental, plus, I can’t afford another monthly bill.
I am asking and pleading with whoever is reading this, that if you have a few extra dollars, please think of me. I never ever asked for any cancerous life!
My life’s savings, and Social Security, and any GoFundMe donations that I receive, are the only resources that I have to survive on!
I must apologize, for having to keep asking for any financial donations that you could possibly assist me with, mainly for not being able to be fully employed, for many years, solely caused from my rare tumor cancer, and it’s severe and ugly side effects, of chronic, debilitating, ugly, nausea, from which, I suffer each day and night, around the clock.
Sorry that at this stage of my life, turning a big, “70” this past June, that I have little choice, but to continually ask for any financial assistance, whatever you could afford to assist me with. Whether it's $20, $30, $50, or more. I do very much understand that everyone is dealing with the very high inflation of all goods and services, increased rents and mortgages, but I unfortunately, can NOT do any of this on my own.
I am still suffering, and will no doubt, continue to with my chronic and severe nausea, around the clock, associated with approximately 19 plus years, of receiving my ongoing, 30mg monthly Octreotide Injections, and NET Carcinoid Tumors which completely throws my whole chemistry panel off, which in turn, causes my discomfort.
Friends, I am more than ever, as the years pass by, having to reach out to ask for your help through compassionate donations, as I continue to watch helplessly, as my life’s savings continue to plummet, which only becomes lower and lower, with each passing month!
I am totally embarrassed having to first, share my cancer journey with the world, and secondly, ask for any financial assistance, the dire necessity for me to have ongoing donations, solely because the past nineteen years since 2005, receiving a monthly 20mg until 2021, then increased to 30mg IM injection, a somastatin, “Octreotide [Sandostatin]” since first being diagnosed, and will need monthly shots for the rest of my cancerous life, AND the Carcinoid cancer, both has contributed to years of the worst side-effect that I’ve ever experienced, which has been the severe and chronic nausea, that I continue to suffer with, night and day, plus other meds that I take also contribute to my, dreadful nausea, so I can’t win, not finding any medication at all that helps lessen the nausea. So i only SUFFER.
I sound like a whiny, you know what, ?!?! I know it seems insane for me (or anyone else at all) to publicly have aired my life’s problems) BUT I only do so, as another human, and I’m only one person, out of millions of other fellow humans, each with their own sets of life’s problems, and circumstances.
My cancer affects one, in one hundred cases, that's how rare this is.
It’s the sign of the times, and when a long-term cancer patient reaches out for help, like myself, after exhausting most of my savings, having paid out, a few thousand dollars, paying for my, 33% insurance co-pays, without medicaid, with two years of my very expensive injections, that I needed, to help my cancer not invade my bones, organs, or other glands, then needing the dreadful chemo and radiation therapy, which I feel, would end my life sooner, than later!
I am praying ore today, than any other previous part of my life, and hoping, that you would understand enough, to want to assist me.
TRUST ME, This is a lot for me to ask!
IF IT'S NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK, would, please “SHARE” my GoFundMe link onto your FB page, this will be the one thing, through donations, that will allow me to deal with, and also to help me lessen my stress, my anxiety, and my financial depression, worrying 24/7!!! I had to find a suitable photo, than to post a more dreadful one.
GoFundMe Link -
Zelle - (657) [phone redacted]

Jimmy Tobin
Anaheim, CA