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Canaan Land: The Feature Film


Donations to assist with screenings and distribution are tax-deductible and can be sent through to [email redactado] or sent through 

Our movie CANAAN LAND has just been released and is streaming! Feel free to share! Be among the first to see it HERE:

Our film was an entry for Best Picture consideration.  Thanks for you donations to help us  to market and distribute the film.  All gifts are tax-deductible. 

You have a new novel to read :) Richard Rossi's novel CANAAN LAND (released as a film on Vimeo ) about a con man preacher who falls for a woman who is a sincere Christian just hit Amazon, be among the first to read it which raises money for the film version to be distributed NOW: 

Richard Rossi and Rebecca Holden, the lead actors in our film CANAAN LAND on Red Carpet. Rebecca plays Sister Sara and Richard plays Brother Billy.
WHO IS RICHARD ROSSI? And WHY did he make his controversial film about faith "Canaan Land"?  Richard discusses the Canaan Land novel and film on urban video popular podcast:
Film producer, historian, and writer Al Doshna interviews filmmaker Richard Rossi on the radio to explore these questions. Al's brother Donald, Canaan Land producer, passed away in May, 2019. Your contribution helps us distribute the film in his memorial honor. Listen HERE: 
WATCH 3 Minute TRAILER OF CANAAN LAND from rough cut (pre-sound and color correction):
CANAAN LAND tells the story of a con artist preacher who doesn't believe, falling in love with a sincere evangelist and realizing his con game isn't a game anymore. He struggles to get his faith back because he was abused by a religious leader in the past.
ROCK OUT WITH US!  WATCH  28 secs of cast singing song written by Richard Rossi "CANAAN LAND" from shoot day on our film CANAAN LAND: WATCH new CANAAN LAND just-finished scene. BROTHER BILLY (Richard Rossi) BRINGS GOLD DUST. Thanks to the talented Sara Farzadfard for her brilliant visual effects work, and to the following actors portraying parishioners: PhiLip Bell Rosetta Walker Andrea Mejia Melissa Staker Janessa Beth Johnny Haro. 
Listen to our leading lady, Knight Rider star Rebecca Holden sing the song from the end credits of CANAAN LAND "A Much, Much Greater Love" that echos the theme of the film:

Check out this rocking 1 minute excerpt of Canaan Land song (Richard Rossi)  "Street Preaching Man" with Brother Billy (Music by Pete & Richard Rossi), & the All-Star Canaan Land band, featuring Dead Kennedys/Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Dh Peligro, & dancing clowns, watch HERE: 
L to R: Director Richard Rossi, his son Josh, daughter Karis, & his wife Sherrie.
Hi, I'm Richard Rossi, director of "Canaan Land."  All donations are tax-deductible, & there's great perks for you for participating. Thanks for taking a moment to check it out.  I'm enthused to share with you the story of my journey to make Canaan Land, and to make 7 promises to you. 
   Canaan Land is about a consummate charismatic con man named "Brother Billy," played by me, meeting "Sister Sara," an evangelist who is a true Christian.  Our film explores the contrast between cultish toxic faith vs. an authentic spiritual journey.  It also examines the phenomenon of a preacher who doesn't believe, yet impacts others.
Here are the two lead actors, Rebecca Holden as Sister Sara, and Richard Rossi as Brother Billy rehearsing a scene:
Here's  an animated promo of the contrast between Sister Sara & Brother Gantry:WHERE DOES THE NAME COME FROM?  Have you ever taken a leap of faith?  The biblical journey of faith was to Canaan Land, the Promised Land, a land of milk and honey.  Canaan means "new land," or "new life." My wife Sherrie Rossi, 2 children and I moved 3,000 miles from my hometown of Pittsburgh to her native California.  We felt like the Israelites, a mobile family on a journey to a new land.

Working as a minister in PA., I discovered telling stories touches people. I made a documentary, exploring the possible role of prayer in healing. While editing that film, I met a director from India named Amin Chaudhri.  He stoked my interest in filmmaking. He made films at his studio in PA. with actors like Sherilyn Fenn, Sharon Stone, Patrick Swayze, & Forrest Whitaker. Between films, he lived in L.A. as a neighbor to Marlon Brando & Jack Nicholson. He told me "If you ever move to California kid,  look me up."

After our cross-country move, I played the role of Elmer Gantry in a play about the fictional evangelist. It was a part that came to me easily, having been a healing evangelist myself.  Richard performing monologue as Elmer Gantry:
Amin saw me perform the role on stage Hollywood & Long Beach.  Amin wanted to direct me in a new film about an Elmer Gantryish evangelist. The news was in Variety & Hollywood Reporter but I backed out.  I felt too green to do it, much to the disappointment of Chaudhri. I got a call a while later that he'd passed away  Looking back on my years as a healing evangelist, I never did anything fraudulent to fake healings.  I prayed to heal people, & refused to report healings without medical verification of a doctor's opinion on what transpired and any improvement.  I was honest when people weren't healed and up front about the suffering we go through.

However, my time in that world allowed me to see tricks some big names do.  They fake miracles, such as a gold dust stunt... a trick they claim is angel feathers & gold flakes from Heaven. This hoax helped turn a church into the mecca for the charismatic movement.  They merchandised gifts of the Spirit, charging thousands of dollars to allegedly teach others to prophesy & heal.  I also was the victim of abuse from religious leaders when I was younger, and I know firsthand the traumatic effect on the psyche and the long journey towards healing.

      When you watch our new movie, "Canaan Land," you'll see will how some churches con people.  Here's a clip of some of the footage from rough cut of our film of me playing Brother Billy, the Elmer Gantryish con man preacher teaching televangelist trade secrets to two con man friends (played by Joe Gonzalez and Craig Zucchero):
The project's stirred up controversy among faith-healers and abusive religious leaders, before the film's finished.  The film will show the toxic aspects of religion, contrasted with sincere faith.  Brother Billy’s focus on offerings is the antithesis of Sister Sara's hunger for God.

You'll find  this film is a needed expose, based on my past experiences in the world of evangelism.  We dramatize how frauds deceive followers into blindly following those who claim to be prophets & miracle workers worthy of donations.  Some abuse the most vulnerable by implying healing is tied to giving money.    Our film had had two screenings in person in New York and Los Angeles and is streaming on Vimeo, Amazon, and  We direct those hurt by predator pastors and priests, and toxic, cultish, or fake religious groups towards healing resources to help them recover and reclaim their lives.
     Jesus ministered to the oppressed, the poor, the hurting the homeless. Watch below as I sing my song "CANAAN LAND" to real homeless men in Venice:
The CANAAN LAND film is fiction. There's a redemptive ending, in which even the narcissistic evangelist running the con is confronted by unconditional love. 
Is this film an indictment of everyone who is a devotee of sketchy TV evangelists, churches harboring pedophiles, or mega-churches selling sensationalism? There are spiritual people who glean good from bad. How is this possible? Because of the sincerity of their hearts, some are touched even from unhealthy ministries.   Our film will deal with the question of how sincere people feel better from certain ministries, even if the preacher's a fraud.   But it's unhealthy to drink a chocolate milkshake if there's dog-poop mixed in.

There are 30,000 denominations yet too few do what Jesus said to do: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and fallen (Matthew 25),  judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1), and go into a closet to pray (Matthew 6:6).

As you view this film, you'll ponder questions like: Who am I following?  Am I following someone real?  Are they walking the walk or just talking the talk?  What is the difference between rigid religion that is toxic and cultish & a healthy concept ?  We recommend reading the four gospels to understand Jesus message, and thinking for yourself.  Critical thinking is one of the most spiritual things you can do. Even the Apostle Paul commended the Bereans in Acts 17 for not swallowing everything religious leaders say without backing it up by evidence. 

 I made 2 prior films about famed female evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson.  I never could've done those films alone without the cast, crew, & supporters who gave so generously of their time, talent, & treasure.  Two of Hollywood's Royal Families starred in "Sister Aimee."  Director/Actor Ron Howard (aka "Opie" on the Andy Griffith Show & "Richie" on Happy Days) got in the business because of his late actor-father Rance Howard who play's Aimee's father in the film.  (In the trailer below he's on the horse talking to her.)

The second member of Hollywood Royalty starring in the film is Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter Kiera Chaplin.  Here's the trailer from my film "Sister Aimee":

I've been blessed with wonderful collaborators and publicity on those films & on my last film on my childhood hero Roberto Clemente.  Here's the trailer from"Baseball's Last Hero: 21 Clemente Stories" starring two-time Olympian Jamie Nieto as Roberto, Project Runway Winner Marilinda Rivera as his wife, & yours truly as the scout "Birddog", watch HERE: 
I was Academy Award-considered for my first film on Aimee.  I received a letter from a Pope Francis representative because of my movie on Clemente.  The Clemente film was made through $15,000 raised online through crowdfunding by Eternal Grace, our 501c3 non profit organization.  Here's the letter from the Pope's liaison:I also received a commendation from the Governor of Pennsylvania for my Roberto Clemente film:CANAAN LAND will use money raised through crowdfunding on Go Fund Me to make this feature.  We're done shooting and we're now in post-production editing.

Movies cost money & without big backers, a filmmaker needs to raise funds. I wanted to have final cut & maintain my vision. I didn't want to lose control of the creativity, originality, & spiritual depth supporters of my work expect,  & that I expect from myself.  Making this movie was a labor of love.  Though challenged by making films without studio budgets, I've gained experience, & grown psychologically, spiritually, & technically with each film. Your generosity keeps the flame burning like a pillar of fire to lead us to Canaan Land.

I'm made a movie about faith on faith. I've seen faith create my movies out of nothing before, and I believe that come hell or high water, this new film, "Canaan Land" will make it to the New World. I need your faith too, that the right people, resources, & circumstances will coalesce together to keep widening the audience and reaching more people.  I'm talking about a healthy faith that brings together many people working together in creativity. 

REBECCA HOLDEN, in the lead role of Sister Sara, starred in the iconic TV show Knight Rider and travels to Knight Rider conventions to meet fans of the show around the world.  Knight Rider still appears in syndication in most major markets throughout the U.S. and in over 200 foreign countries. She attained added recognizability from her role as the diabolical Elena on ABC’s “General Hospital” and from countless guest starring roles on such prime time shows as “Magnum P.I.”, “Love Boat”, “Three’s Company”, “Taxi”, “Night Court”, “Mike Hammer”, “Remington Steele”, “Matt Houston”, “Barney Miller”, and many others. Her movies have appeared at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as festivals in Manila and Japan. In 2015, Rebecca completed a new feature in which she stars, entitled “Hollywouldn’ts” (appearing at Cannes in 2016) and also a lead role in a new pilot for Comedy Central.
She is also a talented singer, and has performed duets with Andy Gibb, Engelbert Humperdink and others.
CELEBRITY CAMEOS in the film include Cindy Williams, Sally Kirkland, Louis Gosssett Jr., Lynda Carter, Kathy Garver, Ginger Alden, Kathy Coleman, Karolyn Grimes, and more...
PETE ROSSI played multiple instruments on the Canaan Land soundtrack with director Richard Rossi. Pete also produced and mixed the music. Pete passed suddenly March 3, 2017.
Drummer DH Peligro is one of rock and punk's foremost drummers. He is a founding member of Dead Kennedys and also played with Red Hot Chili Peppers. He plays in Brother Billy's Canaan Land band in the film.
Rounding out the Canaan Land band are from indie rock band Others  - guitarist Josh Rossi and bassist Alan Drut. Others band members pictured below are Richard Rossi aka Brother Billy (holding guitar), guitarist Robb Salovich, percussion Santi Guardiola, singer Charlotte Roi, and dancing clowns Stephanie Sullivan, Cat Stephens, and Vilma Canas.

ISAAC BAR-JONAH, playing the role of Jerome "Laz" Watkins, a man Brother Billy raises from the dead. Actress-model LINDSAY HUNDLEY in the role of Magdalene, a beauty with a heart for the homeless. CRAIG ZUCCHERO, playing the part of "Binzini," a con doing time who meets Brother Billy meets when Billy preaches in prison. Craig has numerous film & TV credits, including The Sopranos & J. Edgar, directed by Clint Eastwood. (Craig pictured below with Clint who praised Craig's acting in the film)DAWNA LEE HEISING, former Ms. World & Miss Galactic, actress/director playing the role of Connie, Brother Billy's Beverly Hills girlfriend at the beginning of our story who sets him on his journey by kicking him out of her house. HILARY MOMBERGER POWERS was the voice of Charlie Brown's sister Sally in the iconic Peanuts cartoons and plays a Professor who is the editor of a college newspaper that exposes Billy's con: 
CARL CREW, Carl is playing the Ringmaster at scenes shot at his iconic NoHo club, C.I.A. aka Chinatown East. Carl is star of the cult classic "Blood Diner," and played the lead role in the biopic "Jeffrey Dahmer."
GLORIA MUSCARELLA, Role of Puppeteer and Production Designer. Gloria has worked for Paramount & shows like Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.UMOJA BUTLER, Role of L.C.. Umoja is a talented soul singer & composer & former football star. (Pictured below with his daughter Grace) MELISSA STAKER, Crew, Role of Bethany Temple passionate congregant.
MEET TEAM MEMBER: Snowball, starring as Connie's Beverly Hills dog.

MEET TEAM MEMBER: JOSEPH GONZALEZ, playing role of Rocco Berrick who helps Brother Billy run cons.
CALISTA BESS in role of Evelyn, a girl in wheelchair at homeless shelter.
ANDRE BAUTISTA as Steven, a boy in wheelchair at homeless shelter.
MARTYN HALE playing a Boy at homeless shelter.
RAYMOND AND CHERI MERRITT in roles of Brother George and Woman at Party.
Actress ANDREA MEJIA as Sister Jane.
BRUCE NAHIN, Associate Producer, Business Affairs. Thrilled to welcome the legendary Bruce Nahin, who has an interesting life journey from co-founder of Chippendales male dance troupe (he thought of the name based on furniture in his club), practicing entertainment law, and producing film and TV.
DIANA DEVILLE, Line Producer, UPM. Multi-talented Diana has an interesting background: She works for Dreamworks, was a popular on-air host of rock and roll show, and worked for heavy metal legend Ronnie James Dio.
JESUS PAD, Camera Operator, Sound Recordist.
BILL LEE BROWN - Associate Producer.  Bill is one of the few actors fortunate enough to have studied in Marlon Brando's acting class along with Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Edward James Olmos, Whoopi Goldberg, Harry Dean Stanton and more.
MARY CHIN, Post Production Consultant. Mary was post-production supervisor on Richard's last film Baseball's Last Hero. She's worked editing for Oprah's network, BBC, and TV shows like Port Protection, Behind the Mask, Ladies of London, Breaking Pointe, Life Below Zero, and Lovetown, USA. SARA FARZADFARD, Visual Effects, Camera, Production Design. Sara is an innovative filmmaker, having directed movies, music videos, & shows for children in which she created her unique visual world. Sara earned awards and a Master's in film in her home country. She is bringing her talents to help create some of the surreal and spiritual moments of Canaan Land into reality.RICHARD KRAUSE, DP, Production & Post-Production. Richard is a talented filmmaker & editor who has signed on to help wherever needed in filming & editing to help Canaan Land be a great film. He was assistant editor and also film and lighting crew on Baseball's Last Hero.
Marlon Ramos, Asst. Camera:
Court Soto, Asst. Camera, UCLA Film School Grad
FAVIOLA RIVAS, Assistant Director, Casting Associate. (On the left in pic below with director Mike Rosenberg)
LEYLA NEJAD, set design, wardrobe, make up. Leyla is a gifted filmmaker who made a movie about a woman fleeing religious oppression. "What Richard sees and shows in Canaan Land about the dangers of fundamentalism, I have seen in my culture."
SORINA SAMBULA, Associate Producer. Sorina has produced various projects & knows the frauds of some false evangelists firsthand, bringing her production knowledge and experience with the pros and cons of revivalism to help make Canaan Land a great film.
ADAN HIGGINS, D.P.  Adan finished his film degree at Valley College and has been accepted into the UCLA film program. "I relate to the story of Canaan Land, because I come from an evangelical background."AL DOSHNA, Associate Producer. Al is a talented producer and actor. He produced one of director Richard Rossi's favorite films, "The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood Jr." He is also author of new biography on Hollywood actor Richard Anderson, star of Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man.
JAY T. GILLILAND, Assoc. Producer, Locations Manager. "I was raised Mormon and my own journey of questioning and assessing what I was taught in the church makes me connect with the Canaan Land story in a very personal way," Jay said.
JEFF GRIFFITH, Crew where needed - Camera, lights, sound. Jeff has faithfully worked on Richard's past projects including the Elmer Gantry plays, Sister Aimee, and Baseball's Last Hero.
STEPHANIE SULLIVAN, Dance Choreographer, playing role of Sister Stephanie.
JANESSA BETH, role of congregant who exposes Billy's fleshy activities.
STEVEN ATHA, Assistant Camera
ELIZABETH ROSSI, Associate Producer. Elizabeth has been a producer on several films, and sold her horror screenplay "All Saint's Eve," now a finished film available everywhere.
ERNIE JAMES PARIS, Associate Producer. Ernie's produced several films and was a rock bassist in several popular "hair bands" back in the day.

Making this picture by raising money on Go Fund Me is a tall order, but not an impossible dream. Besides, I’ve chased such dreams before making "Sister Aimee" & "Baseball's Last Hero." Those pictures succeeded enough to give me faith to carry on & make Canan Land, which will be my 3rd dramatic feature. Thanks for your faith in this dream to support me with a tax deductible donation & share this campaign on your social media. 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.' (Mark 9:23)

We use some terms TV evangelists use like "seed-sowing," a bit tongue-in-cheek. Unlike the televangelist, I won't tell you that you owe me ten percent of your income or you're robbing God. The Elmer Gantry characters also promise you health, wealth, & a life free of problems for a donation. We make no false promises.

What do we promise? The following 7 Promises:

1. We promise we will finish this film, working towards our goal of excellence. PROMISE KEPT

2. We promise we will put every dime you give up on that screen.  PROMISE KEPT

3. We promise we will expose the actions of false prophets of our day who harm others. PROMISE KEPT

4. We promise "Canaan Land" will contrast the false with those who are true and truly care. PROMISE KEPT

5. We promise the film will be done to the best of our ability in an artistic way. PROMISE KEPT

6. We promise the film will be distributed internationally. PROMISE KEPT

7. We promise to share a healthy concept of unconditional love, & that love will reverberate to people throughout the world who see the film. PROMISE KEPT

How can you spread the word? Share this campaign on social media platforms to help us spread the word. Tweet the project on Twitter, share the link on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, & tell a friend in person or via text, call, or email.

The first level of giving to the film is just $5, for just the price of taking a friend to coffee or a fast food lunch, you can be an important part of this film and be thanked in the credits and get your own IMDB page.



  • Mimi Dragicevich
    • 100 $
    • 3 años
  • Rosetta Walker
    • 20 $
    • 4 años
  • John Koze
    • 25 $
    • 4 años
  • Achim Wollmershäuser
    • 20 $
    • 4 años


Richard Rossi
Los Angeles, CA
Eternal Grace Church Inc.

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