Bring JiaJia Home
JiaJia is an eight-year-old boy who was abandoned in China when he was three months old. He has spina bfida meningocele and, what we’ve been told is, a botched surgery to correct the spina bfida has resulted in paralysis in his legs.
He has a laugh that comes from deep within his soul and fills a room with joy. He has hope and happiness, despite being the oldest kid at the orphanage and watching his friends come after him and leave with a family before him.
In the videos we have been sent he doesn't let his physical paralysis and emotional roller coaster he has been on limit him in any way. He plays basketball, swims, writes letters, colors pictures, laughs, talks, giggles, sings, and is a great protector and provider for the younger kids.
We have been called to make JiaJia a part of our family, but we can't do it alone. The process is enormous. It invovles packets upon packets of paperwork, certifications, exams, background checks, and, of course, thousands of dollars in fees.
That's where we need your help. The entire process from now until JiaJia comes home to Missouri will costs around $30,000. We are in the process of applying for grants, but with the increasing number of applicants and the decresing amount of grants, we haven't had any approvals yet.
We are realizing that JiaJia is a world-changer and his story is bigger than we could have imagined and others want to be a part of it. So, here's your chance. Please donate and help us bring JiaJia home.
As cliche as it might sound, every dollar help. No donation is too small!
Thanks for your support!
For more information and more pictures, visit our blog http://amamaandbabaforjiajia.blogspot.com/
Any money raised above and beyond our needs will be donated to other families who are in the process of adopting. So, if we do happen to reach our finacial needs, don't stop donating! We wanted to be sure no one thinks we will use an excess to buy a new Lambo or anything! 100% of this money will go towards the costs of adopting.