8th Avenue Courts Project
A group of parents and the Boys and Girls Club of the Gila Valley recognize how much these courts on 8th Avenue in Safford are used and what terrible shape they are in. Every rim is a different height, some backboards hang by a thread and some cracks can swallow an ankle. Despite this, these courts, on a square footage bases are perhaps the busiest recreation spot in the valley.
We can raise the $12,000 in matching donations by August 2016 needed to make this $155,000 project a reality. Join us as we dedicate the new "Ed Ragland Courts" in honor of Mr. Ed Ragland and his 39 years of service to youth basketball in the Gila Valley.
We will completely resurface the courts, replace the backboards and rims, add bleachers, improve lighting, repair fencing, add signage and add a drinking fountain this year.
Be a part of the " Ed 39" club and donate $39 today honoring Mr. Ed Ragland and his 39 years of dedication to providing youth basketball seasons for nearly 8,000 5th and 6th graders over the past 4 decades for nearly no cost to the players.
Thank you for your support of $5, $39 or whatever you can donate. When you donate please leave your address to receive a "ED 39" sticker. We will get there and frankly 2,400 $5 donations will show the overwhelming support for the project as we apply for the matching funds.