Help Us Make Hand Sanitiser For Our Health Workers
We are a small distillery based in Dundee trying to make a difference!
Instead of our usual award winning Verdant Dry Gin production, we have decided to use our facilities to make hand sanitiser for our local health and care workers as it’s in such short supply.
We are a small family business with a team of two (father and daughter) and we want to make 400L of sanitiser, which is the most we can currently make as some of the ingredients are (understandably) being strictly rationed by the suppliers.
Currently, to make this amount will cost us almost £10,000 in Alcohol Duty alone. Usually, production of hand sanitiser would not require any duty to be paid. However, because we are a distillery we have to pay around £25 duty for every litre of sanitiser we produce. As it stands, HMRC have not said that they will be refunding any duty paid for this and, as such, we will be massively out of pocket, so we are turning to you to help.
We need £2,500 to get the project off the ground and make our first 100 litre batch, but we don’t want to stop there - the more money we raise the more sanitiser we can make to help others in need!
We know times are tough but we believe we can all make a difference, every penny donated will enable us to make more hand sanitiser.
Please give what you can, even sharing this fundraiser is a huge help.
Thank you for your help
Andrew & Sophie
Verdant Spirits