Help my family in Gaza
I,m Jomana Marwan my fince is Wesam Jehad , were trying to survive Gaza war and get out of here alive .
Please doneat to us , so we can get out of here alive . We ran out of monay . we donet have any to live our to get married , and is displaced we live miserable poor and tortour life we hope we can leave gaza soon.
weve lost our hauses and jobs
All of the money we saved for the wadding ,we spend the get food doring 7 montes of war , now we ran out of monay and evrething.
I,m warthing this with wonded and broken haert .We keep displacing from a tent to anther due to the boombing of our hauas thath we diding get the chanes to live inand celebrate.
My fainese lost his job due to the war , we are suffering after along period of engagrement building our hause then the occopation came dostory all of our drames in a blink of an eay
I,m asking yot the help us get out of Gaza to survive our lives , get now jobs settle and rebulied our lives again . Plased help us plases donate to us.
اكتب لكم بعد الكثير من التفكير والتردد ، وكلي أمل بالنجاة لذا اطلب منكم المساعدة بإجلائي من غزة انا وخطيبي الى مكان آمن .
I,m warthing to you after lots of hesitation and thinking , I raelly hope that we cloud survive . So I,m asking you the help hopefully we can evacaute from gaza with my family to a safe place .