Maui Walk 2018
Tax deductible
Four years ago, I did my first 165 mile walk around the island of Maui as a fund raiser for the activities departments of Hale Makua and raised around $3,000. A year later, I did another walk for the Haku Baldwin Center and raised about $5,000. Both times I did my walks, the only people who ever stopped to asked if I needed a ride or assistance were the people who lived on the east side of the island. I was so touched by their kindness/kokua that I decided to do another walk to some how benefit them. So I have chosen the non profit, Ma Ka Hana Ka Iki. Ma Ka Hana Ka Ike teaches young people carpentry skills who then go out in their community and fix or sometimes even help build homes for others. What better way to repay the kindness of the people of Hana. This time I will be letting 5 people join me on this 11 day, 165 mile walk around Maui. Along the way I hope to share with them the beautiful scenery, history and Hawaiian crafts I've learned over the years. I figure if I can raise $5,000 by myself I should be able to raise $10,000 with the help of 5 others. Some of the money will be for buying necessary equipment like, a portable camp toilet, a lua tent, a 5' folding table, a piece of plywood and lumber to build a shelf to transport equipment, cargo nets, a 5 gallon insulated water jug, etc, but the rest will be going to Ma Ka Hana Ka Ike. The walk is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Nov. 6th and end on Sat., Nov 17th. Mahalo for any amount you would like to donate.
Brian Sato
Makawao, HI
Ma Ka Hana Ka Ike Building Program