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Nicaragua or Bust

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Zurvita, Inc. is teaming up with Living Water International to travel to León and Rivas, Nicaragua and drill two water wells for the people there. Adriel Joy Thurston, CEO/Founder of A Joy Studios, has been asked to come along to not only change lives (hers included, I am sure) but to help document the excursion with images throughout the process.

What's the Deal?

The Republic of Nicaragua is located in Central America, bordered by Costa Rica and Honduras with Pacific and Caribbean coastlines. It is the largest country in Central America and Managua is the capital city. Nicaragua is a beautiful place"”its landscape includes extensive coastal plains, mountains in the interior, and volcanoes along the Pacific coast. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and hurricanes have caused much destruction and devastation to the country. Despite its natural resources, the country struggles with underemployment and Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America. Many Nicaraguan families lean on foreign remittances, where family members in the US send funds home. The rural population that is NOT using improved water sources is still too high at 32%.

The only costs Adriel faces are travel and lodging costs to reach Nicaragua and stay for a week, all other costs have been provided for. This journey will prove to change her as a person, as well as an artist and she is looking forward to this incredible opportunity...if she can reach her goal, that is!!


  • Marshah Wallis
    • $50
    • 11 yrs
  • Connie
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $400 (Offline)
    • 11 yrs


Adriel Joy Thurston
Rosslyn, TX

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