Helping Victims of Hate Crime
On Sunday, March 12, a family in Delano became victims of hate crime. They returned home to find that their new dream home, which they had just moved in to December 2016, had been broken into and vandalized. They discovered profanities spray painted on the walls both inside and outside the home along with stolen/damaged personal items and trash thrown around the house. TV's and family photos were spray painted as well.
The mother works along with fostering two children, the father works outside the home.
Funds raised by this campaign will be used to alleviate cost associated with moving as the family no longer feels safe in their home. Costs include moving, closing costs of this home and their next home, insurance deductibles, and purchasing new personal items that were damaged by the vandalism. Although the family had just moved into their dream home in December, the buyer was kind enough to agree to purchase the home back from the homeowners. We hope the funds are raised before April 1 as the family is slated to move into their new home at the beginning of April.
Please help to support this family in their time of need so they are able to move into a safer home and move forward with their lives.