SCWF 2016-2017 Storm Season Work
Watch video above ...
I am Kevin, the person who basically runs the Southern California Weather Force project and have been developing it for well over 16 years now. If we raise enough money in this fundraiser then I will make the custom weather alerts for free for everyone this season ... while the member section will remain members only.
I'm not expecting much but hoping for the best ... and see who wants to support this project with me. Means a lot ...
For equipment, gas, travel, IOS App Development, time worked on project, and advertising ... the total goal is $12,000 that will last all the way through Spring 2017 ...
With thousands that follow this project ... it should be easy to make this goal. If you give to a presidential campaign then this should be easier to do as that money would directly be used and be put to work this season.
I do not have corporate sponsors, not working, and also the expanded use of adblocking is killing out revenue, so I am going to run this full-time this season ... and that means I will need financial support to do this through the 2016-2017 season in order to maintain a 24/7 presence during weather events.
So I'll keep this short .. . but will be very grateful for this outside support in a service given out ... along with the free custom alerts that will be view-able.
I have a set amount in my head to give perks to so if you hit that amount you'll receive a message.
Thank you so much for helping and keeping this project alive this season ...