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Arizona Homegrown Resource Project

Donativo protegido
In times of despair, we as a community of skilled food service workers, chefs, owners, and everyone in between must ban together. This industry has been rocked to it's core in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many are out of work, businesses are forced to close their doors and say goodbye to incredible employees. We are here to help! I am asking restaurants that may have perishable items that will be going bad to donate them! We will unite this community through love and passion and food like we always have! So many hard working dedicated people and families were not prepared for this! Let's give them the chance to save their food and be able to enjoy a worry free meal once more! If you can donate any little bit will help! The funds raised here will help us purchase protien and items that some restaurants may have which can feed our industry. Now is our time to serve the service industry! The food will be served safely and prepared with the utmost care. We are in this together!


Marissa Piggie Roegado
Phoenix, AZ

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