Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Happy Camper Wrigley Survival Funds

Donativo protegido
On March 15, 2020, Governor JB Pritzker mandated that all bars and restaurants close down for a minimum 2 weeks in Chicago, IL due to COVID-19. While everyone supports this decision, the staff of bars and restaurants who work for their income day-to-day will simultaneously suffer. Every time you walk into an establishment like this for a good time, it is due to the staff keeping it running: the cooks, food prep, bussers, servers/bartenders, managers, and security. During this time of health and financial concern, we ask our community to assist in any way possible to help support our staff and the families they support during this global pandemic. Anything can help, whether it be $1 or $100. Thanks so much for reading and thanks so much for caring for our staff. -Happy Camper Wrigleyville


George Moreno
Chicago, IL

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