The GoFundMe Staff Share Simple and Self-Care Ideas

| 5 min read Crowdfunding

Prioritizing self-care plays an important role in boosting your mental health and staying healthy. At GoFundMe, our staff is regularly learning to master the balance between their work and their personal lives. Our team also understands how important self-care is in helping them stay mentally healthy and strong so they are fully equipped to best serve others. To tap into their knowledge, we asked them to share tips on how they find peace during tough times. Read through below as the GoFundMe staff shares some of their best self-care ideas that help keep them grounded day in and day out. 

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GoFundMe Employees share their personal self-care tips

1. Use your hands to create something beautiful

“My favorite way of practicing self-care is probably painting. It really helps me let go of the day or worries on my mind. I put on a music album, mix different colors together, and see what comes out. It’s also important to never judge the outcome—it might look terrible and you can even throw it away right after as long as you’ve given yourself that time to process and create. Also stretching and going on walks are nice!” —Pascale, Community Management Specialist

2. Create a routine—and stick to it

“I operate best with a morning routine and can guarantee a positive start to the day by sticking to it. While the libraries are closed, I rely on audiobooks, available through the library’s website or app. A little exercise, plenty of water, and a breathing exercise to increase heart rate variability, and that’s all the self-care I need on a daily basis.” —Chen, Customer Care Agent

3. Put down your phone and take a break from social media

“I toss my phone for a couple of hours (not literally). Removing myself from social media and being tied to a device allows me to clear my thoughts or connect with people and things in my life. Listening to music. Cooking a good meal that takes longer to make than it does to eat.” —Jessica, Customer Care Agent

4. Write down what you are grateful for

“I write in a gratitude journal every day. It’s quick and easy—just listing out the things I am grateful for. In trying times when so much seems to be going wrong in the world, I have been able to keep perspective and operate from a sense of ‘enough’ as opposed to stressing about what needs changing.” —Brigid, Customer Care Agent

5. Give your sleep routine some much-deserved attention

“I make sure to follow a sleep routine before bed. I avoid screen time at night and make sure that I do calm activities before going to sleep so I can have a great night and feel rested the next morning.” —Alex, Customer Care Agent

6. Take a long bath

“Once a week I have a one-hour bath with candles, essential oils, and a good book.” —Igor, Office Manager

7. Listen to what someone else thinks

“Podcasts! Get out of your head and into a positive space with incredible thinkers and communicators.” —Rebekah, Community Management Specialist

8. Get outside and into nature

“For self-care, I spend time outside moving my body—walking, exercising, and gardening.” —Stephanie, Compliance Specialist

9. Find solace through words and music

“I journal and I read. If you have a kindle, you can access e-books through your library’s website. I love making playlists for the specific mood I’m in and listening to them on repeat.” —Erin, Customer Care Agent

10. Go back to the basics

“I take frequent walks outside, eat healthily, meditate, wash my face, and try to work outside.” —Julia, Customer Care Agent

11. Meditate and hydrate

“10 minutes of meditation daily—and truly commit! A consistent 10-minute practice will go a long way over the course of a few months. Hydrate and stretch! It’s miraculous what a glass of water and a walk around the block will do.” —Reagan, Customer Care Agent

12. Focus on the little things that make you happy

“Watch a movie you love, put your favorite record on, go take a walk, cherish time spent in nature, and share experiences with others.” —Valentina, Customer Care

Find support for yourself and others

If you or someone you know is in need of financial support to properly practice good self-care, consider crowdfunding to help cover costs. Taking care of your mental health—whether that means seeing a therapist or taking a day off of work—is important to your overall well-being. Starting a fundraiser is free and easy to do. Get started on your self-care journey today, or help a friend fund a self-care project they deserve.

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Written by GoFundMe