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Help Wally while he beats MRSA

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Walter "Wally" Dziergowsky (Der-Gow-ski) was injured with a severe MRSA infection in his foot around Christmas 2012, followed by a severe reaction and series of fevers, illness, hospital procedures, starting in late January 2013.

After 8 months of battling this infection, exhausting all FMLA, Vacation, Sick, and other time from his employer - he has been without income for almost 7 months. After months of therapy and treatment with antibiotics and skin grafts, his doctors have identified the source of his infection and he has received surgery to remove the infected bone and tissue from his foot (in the week of this writing). He is currently recovering at the hospital, receiving up to 4 daily IV's of Antibiotics and around-the-clock nurse care. Due to the length of time his care has required, his insurance coverage for in-home care and nursing home/physical therapy has been exhausted. Wally now is depending upon his close friends to take care of everyday tasks such as shopping, preparing food, and helping him get around the house.

Wally is a humble and faithful man, who significantly helped me, and more importantly, my family during a time of crisis almost two years ago when it was gravely needed. He never so much as asked for anything in return for his help. I hope that this movement helps him out in his time of need.

This fundraiser isn't here to pay for his medical bills, despite exhausting his provider's homecare options, he is still covered for his hospital and doctor care. This fundraiser was created to grant him peace of mind - that his mortgage and groceries are covered during this time where incredible circumstances have quite literally, gotten the better of him despite all his planning, and left him constantly worrying about what happens next, and if he is going to be able to pay his bills.

He wants nothing more than to return back to work in approximately one month for his employer of over 20 years, and provide for himself again... Getting there will be difficult and any way we can help him focus on healing, will help him to achieve that goal.

Thank you,
Joshua Davis
Faire un don


  • Ken Maarleveld
    • $500 
    • 10 yrs
  • Bill LaPointe
    • $100 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
Faire un don


Joshua Davis
Clearwater, FL

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