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NEAT in Cleveland

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The Northern Environmental Action Team, or NEAT, is a non-profit working in northeastern BC. We have a core staff of seven and offer community based environmental and sustainability outreach to one regional district and seven member municipalities. We saw almost 7000 people face to face last year! 

We have developed a food security program called Food Secure Kids that has worked with more than 1000 K-6 students since its inception. These students learn about their food system, where food comes from, what you need to grow it and how to eat healthy meals by eating a rainbow.  And they all get to plant a garden with their class to reinforce what they're learning.

We want to tell the world about how awesome this program is so they can create their own Food Secure Kids in their communities. We've been accepted to present at the American Community Gardening Association's National Conference in Cleveland, but we don't have the travel costs in our budget.

We need to get two people to Cleveland, Ohio for August 4th, feed them while they are there and give them a place to stay. 

Being able to attend this conference is a big goal for us and would be a fantastic opportunity to spread the word about this program. We would be eternally grateful for the helping hand!


Karen Mason-Bennett
Fort Saint John, BC

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