Coop's Emergancy Recovery Fund!
Donation protected

Sadly Coop was in a freak accident on the farm. I had to rush him to emergency vet to get immediate care.
Nick and I were so unprepared for this freak accident financially. At the moment I am unemployed since this is the off season for the farm and Nick is self employed running his own business and depends on the snow in the winter months. All your donations will help off set the costs we have already inquired and assist in the large expenses that will be inquired over the next few days/ weeks due to all the bandage changing and surgeries Coop will need. $1, $5 or even $10 will go a long way to help get Coop back to his healthy spunky self!!

Cooper sustained a large inguinal wound to his right leg in the folds. He had to get sedated so they could get a better look at it last night. He was admitted over night to be watched and so a surgeon could get a good look at him and decide if surgery needed to be done. The surgeon did sedate him to get a better look. The doctor removed few pecies of dead skin and packed it and bandaged it up.

We are waiting a week or so to see how the wound heals. Meanwhile coop will be going back to the vet Friday and again 2 times next week for wound care.

Not only did he have a wound he also dislocated his right hip in the accident. The surgeon was able to pop his hip back into place easily while he had him sedated this morning. He will be on 4-6weeks of strict kennel care in hopes it won’t pop back out. If that happens he will have to get a surgery . With a lot of praying and with a lot of care he hopefully will not need the extra surgery.

It’s going to be a long journey so he can play fetch and play with his best friend Al.
With all the amazing love, support and power of prayer Cooper will be his happy healthy puppy self in no time!!
Thank you for your donation any amount goes a long way!!
Allison S. Scott
East Lyme, CT