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Peter Norenberg Recovery Fund

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Hi Amstar friends, we are not yet ready to go "live" to the public with the site but people are so anxious to donate that we wanted to get up and running.  The initial airlift costs are being confirmed and we know there will be many other expenses going forward.  So we have set this initial goal today but will likely be changing that as we learn more of the needs.  You can go ahead and donate here now and we'll take it live to others probably later in the day or tomorrow.  Thank you in advance for banning together in support of our Pete.  This message will be removed once we are ready to go and the official donation site will read something like the following:

Hello, we are Peter's work colleagues and we are raising money to help get Peter airlifted back home to La Crosse to be near his family.  

Also we are hopeful that we can help his family defray some of their expenses as they take time off of work and travel to and from his ultimate care center.  

Peter's transfer will hopefully occur in the coming week and so we would like to raise money for the airlift as soon as possible. However, donations will be very helpful to Peter and his family for a long time to come.

Peter's family so greatly appreciates your love and support.  Please keep Peter and his family and Rebecca in your thoughts and prayers.
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  • james gleason
    • 500 $ 
    • 9 ans
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Tricia Noble
Denver, CO
Carolyn Norenberg

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