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Zach's journey for a new Kidney!

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My name is Zach. My kidneys have failed. As a result I am in need of a kidney transplant. Spending two weeks in the hospital already has me owing nearly $7000. Please help me pay my hosptial and prepare for life as a transplant recipient. 

I might have told you I didn’t react emotionally when the doctor gave me the news. But I did. It just wasn’t what you’d expect.

I would imagine most people cry. I didn’t cry. I didn’t even want to. I wanted to be better. Immediately. I knew I had to do something. So I bought a web domain ( and began planning how to get the word out there. 

As a gift to you in return for asking for money, I have spent my days and nights since finding out about my condition with my to create an original webcomic and a compilation album of musical artists that I love, curated for you, in hopes that you can find something you connect with in one or both of them.

I am making my donor packet available to all who may want to download it. You can download it here. This packet allows you to apply to be a kidney donor for me. 

FUN FACT: My shoes hardly fit most days.

Protein is sent into the kidneys to use some of it and waste the rest. When that balance is interupted hulk feet happen. Too much protein is being wasted and not enough goes into my blood for fluids and sugers to bind with... therefore, access fluids obey gravity and go straight to my feet causing what you see in the picture. Edema. 

My kidneys are essentially pouring a glass of wine while extremely drunk into a glass in an open sink, getting more wine in the sink than in the glass. It's a shame cause this protein is vintage. 

I want my feet back. Help me get my feet back. Please, share my story. Tell your friends. If ANYONE wants to be my donor PLEASE have them download my donor packet, fill it out and start the process to see if we're a match.


- Zach
Faire un don


  • Franki Cambeletta
    • 100 $ 
    • 8 ans
Faire un don


Zach Becker
St Louis, MO

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